Thursday, September 18, 2008

Gym Douce

Since you all know me, I feel that you will appreciate my experience at "gym douce."
It started out with our teacher having us walk around criss crossing and in circles etc and speeding up until we were running. Then we alternated our running styles about every ,in or so between heavy feet like an elephant and light feet. We then stopped running and swung our arms and were supposed to make monkey sounds. Unfortunately, I think we were all laughing too hard. We proceeded to roll around on our backs with our legs in the air, and then roll back and forth to bring our legs over our heads and then jump up into a standing position. Then sitting, we inched forward sitting on our butts and then scooted backwards. Then started crawling around on all fours and periodically rolling over. The instructor then told us to stop and to arch our backs and sway like cats. After this we were supposed to massage our heads on the floor while in a child's pose type thing. All I could think was that I am going to get athlete's foot on my forehead. We stopped and then gave each other massages which was a little awkward. If nothing else, my abs got a good zorkout from silently laughing uncontrollably for an hour and a half and trying not to show it on my face. My when I come home, after four months of gym douce, I can teach all of you the great techniques.


Unknown said...

This is all way too much fun.

Unknown said...

Hey I'm another American student studying in Nantes and I totally have friends from my program who are in this class too! They said it was crazy!