Friday, September 19, 2008

Thursdays Rock

As a science major, one must understand that I am used to spending ridiculous hours during the school year in lab and class (esp last semester). But now, here in France I only have class for 12 hours a week! (I guess this is what humanities and social science majors feel like). So, what do you do when you have one class on Thursdays and it ends at 9h15 am? You go for a leisurely stroll to different bookstores to locate books you need for classes. Debate stopping by the famous chocolate shop that you have never stopped by and really want and then decide against it because it is only 11am. Then you run into friends in the street who are going to the tabac for stamps and walk with them because, what the heck, you don't have anywhere to be. Then, head back to the center to eat lunch for about an hour and a half. Then you go and hang out in the piano room and end up having a quasi jam session. And read a little of the 900 page book that you just bought (that part is a little scary because its 900 pages in French). Then stroll home to go for a nice long run and go to trampoline class.

Trampoline is a great great thing. Its being like a little kid again. Except there is a coach yelling things like "you're looking in the wrong place" "se grouper (to grab your knees in the air)" or things like that. It was so much fun. Way way better than gym douce.

Also, so, typos. You will have to pardon my occasional typos because sometimes I write from the IES center with the "clavier français" where M is in the spot we have a semicolon, and A is in the Q spot and W is in the Z spot and Z is in the A spot and , is in the M spot etc etc etc. Tres confusing seeing as most of them are the same. Well, now I must go eat me some breakfast and go to my once class for Fridays!

A demain (probablement)

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