Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Birds Galore!

So, yesterday I went for a great run through the marshes and then downtown and then returned to my house. However, in the marshey area I saw some really cool birds. So I was on a rather quiet trail (normally there are alot of people, it was actually kind of eerie) and since it was so calm alot of zildlife was out and about. The first really cool thing I saw, I came around a bend and on the edge of the trail (the trail its self was rather marshy) was a giant bird; when I say giant, I mean came up to about the bottom of my ribs. So tall. Like a heron. Sure enough, today I looked at birds in the area and I am positive that it was a grey heron. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Greyheron.jpg
Absolutly beautiful. It was taller than the wikipedia article says but it looks exactly the same. Then I saw alot more really cool birds in the marsh which I can't remember well enough to identify. I think that one was a eurasian curlew though.
Overall, it was a very cool run just on principal of seeing really cool birds. It makes me want to go run on the boardwalks outside of Nantes that are all swamps.
A plus tard,

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