Monday, November 3, 2008

Everythings in SPANISH!

Well, this weekend a friend (Amanda) and I went to Madrid!
So starting on Thursday, I finished class at 9:30 am and had a train to Paris. (No class Friday this past week). I walked around the city of love, by myself, in the rain, which was actually really fun. I was walking down the street when I turned a corner and it was like BAM Eiffel Tower. I just kind of wandered around and then decided (since it started to rain alot harder) that I would stop in a café for a chocolat viennois, but every café I passed was full to the limits. Finally, I see in a window an open table, and I was so excited. But I walked in the door and realized it was Starbucks (ugh). I, however, took the table and decided to be positive about it and think that I was helping the American economy. I then metroed my way to see Emma (a Haverfriend). We ate dinner together (DELICIOUS rotisserie chicken) and hung out talking. It was so much fun. Around 11 pm, I found my way to the hostel to check in, where they told me that for 2 euros extra per night person we could be in a double. I asked what the other room was, it was a 15 person dorm with 13 guys (who were drinking at the bar) booked. I payed the extra money. I met Amanda at the train station at midnight (she had a late class).
The next morning, we got up early and flew to Madrid (on a flight that was an hour late). We met Charles at the Plaza del Sol. It was really great to see him yet kind of bizarre since he's a St Louis friend but we were in Madrid. We got some food and that night saw a movie (in English) that was so ridiculous it was good. The next day, I ran through the parc el retiro (or something like that). Beautiful. And we went to el Prado and generally just walked around and ate. We met a bunch of Charles friends both nights which was fun.
After 3ish hours of sleep, I got up on Sunday (I was proud of myself for dragging myself out of bed to run), and we checked out and saw the Palace Reel. (Royal Palace) that was incroyable.
Overall, it was such a fun weekend (and maybe rather tiring). And every where I went I brought clouds and rain (except Sat/Sun). Wow, that makes me sound like a downer. Our hostel in Madrid was nice, super clean and I really liked it!
A bientôt,

1 comment:

Emily said...

Aw man! That sounds awesome.