Sunday, November 16, 2008


So, this weekend has consisted solely of paper writing, studying, running and eating. Ok, and no lies, procrastination. Two of my friends and I tried a different creperie on Friday night. It was very disappointing: not crispy and buttery galettes. Sadness.
Haverford Squash had their first match of the season yesterday: Go Bears! I am actually feeling kind of sad, missing out on the first half of the season (I miss playing squash so much). Anyways, here are a couple of pictures from the Italy trip!

My Ideal Vespa- Seafoam

Venice on the night of our arrival

Fish Mar-ket?

Where Vivaldi lived and taught (how cool!!)

Clothes drying over the canals

This picture was actually taken in the Jewish Ghetto- Venice is so rich in history it was amazing walking around. Going to the Jewish Ghetto was, in my opinion, really important, a reminder of the importance of remembering the sad, and horrible times.

On that note, I must return to my paper writing.
Bonne Journée!

1 comment:

Emily said...

Hey! I went to the Jewish Ghetto there too. Did you go to the museum there?